Advantages of Studying at University in England

If you think that the way to build a good future for yourself or your child is through a good university education, you should read this article where we, as LondonbyJada, explain why university education in the UK is advantageous.

If I asked anyone today, “Can you name one foreign university?” When we ask, the answer we will get will probably be Oxford or Cambridge. England, which hosts some of the best universities in the world, has universities whose names even ordinary people living in Turkey know. As a result, a person who has a university education in the UK does not need to explain himself or his education, which is true not only in job applications in Turkey but all over the world.

Requirements for Studying at a University in the UK

High School Diploma: Except for a few high schools in Turkey, no high school can meet the requirements for university education in the UK. For this reason, before university, it is necessary to graduate from a high school in England or recognized by the UK as equivalent, or to successfully complete a course called “Foundation Course” before entering university.

“Foundation Course” forms the basis of the higher education program in which the student wants to study, and the introductory part of many courses is taken in this course.

English Proficiency: Candidates who want to study at a university in the UK must know English. For the foundation course, it is generally required to get 4.5 points from the IELTS exam or 70 points or more from the TOEFL exam, while for undergraduate education, it is required to get an IELTS score of 6.0 or TOEFL 550 points or more.

An alternative solution for students who have not passed the English proficiency level is also offered by England. Most of the institutions where education will be taken have an English preparatory class, and when the education received in this class is successfully completed, there is the opportunity to be accepted to the foundation course or undergraduate education without requiring any other exam score.

University Education Prices in England

Although the department and university to study have an impact on prices, average prices are approximately the same.

Social Sciences related fields: £8,000-12,000

Engineering and other numerical courses: £8,000-14,000

Studies such as medicine and dentistry: £13,000-18,000

What are the Advantages of Studying at University in England?

  • Unlike many places, undergraduate education in the UK takes 3 years. In this way, compared to other students who start their university education at the same time, students studying at university in the UK have the opportunity to graduate and start business life 1 year earlier.
  • England is one of the countries that allocate the highest budget to education and there are very strict controls in the field of education. The performance and quality of schools are constantly under control.
  • Home to some of the world’s best universities (such as Oxford, Cambridge and University College London), England is very successful in meeting post-graduation expectations. A person who graduates from a good university in England will have a very advantageous start compared to his competitors in job applications.
  • The research studies carried out by students during university education in England are described as the most successful research studies in the world.
  • During university education in England, students are taught how to think, not what to think.
  • Thanks to England’s cosmopolitan social life and multicultural universities, students have the opportunity to socialize and communicate with different nations.
  • While it takes 5 hours from Ankara to Istanbul by bus, it takes 3.5-4 hours by plane from London to Istanbul. In other words, England and especially London are as close to any point in Turkey as any other point in Turkey.
  • Since undergraduate studies last 3 years, the cost is lower than similarly priced but non-UK universities.
  • Since every student who has completed their university education in England will have an academic level of English knowledge, they will not have any problems with foreign languages in any subject.

If you would like to get more detailed information about university education in the UK, we will be happy to help you as LondonbyJada.

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Advantages of Studying at University in England

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