Hello everyone, I am Zeynep Gözübüyük. If you are wondering who I am, here it is briefly. Starting today, I will prepare digital content for you as part of the LondonbyJada team. Since you are reading this article, you are planning to come from Turkey to England for education, language schools, or summer camps with your family or just sending your child.

In this article, I would like to share some of my own experiences. Before we settled in London in April 2020, we last came to bring Ayşe to summer school for 2 weeks in the summer of 2019. Ayşe was 6 years old at that time. Her English was also at beginner level. Since there were children of all levels in the summer camps, she did not find it difficult or strange. She loved London, her school, her teachers and her friends from different countries and wanted to stay longer. We planned to come for 1 month next summer, but unfortunately the pandemic happened. If you ask Ayşe what’s left of 2 enjoyable and entertaining weeks in a different environment with friends and teachers from different cultures from this summer school, I would say that firstly, her interest in English increased and her desire to speak, and secondly, she very willingly supported our decision to settle here. During the summer school, Ayşe always spoke English to us after school. After he returned, he always spoke English at home, even though we spoke Turkish. He did this from within himself, not with our guidance. This enabled him to improve his English a lot, both to be successful in English at his school in Turkey, and to continue his lessons without any problems when we settled here.

You can do many things to improve your child’s English level. But it’s not just about education and language development. The environment in which he does this. It is very important for him to make friends with children from different cultures, to see a different country, to add a brand new experience to his life, and to “expand his horizons”, as our youth puts it. We personally experienced this change and development in Ayşe through our own summer school experience. We chose a summer school in the city and had a family holiday where we visited Ayşe during school hours and showed her the city after school. For this reason, if you come with your family, I recommend you choose a summer camp in the city. There are also schools outside the city where you can stay with mother and child on the school campus. There are different language programs for mothers and fun camps for children. It will make your life easier if you choose mother & child programs, especially for non-boarding summer camps for those under the age of 12, or schools in the city center where you can make your own holiday program and where it will be easy for you to drop off and pick up your child.

If you would like LondonbyJada’s expert team to inform you in the most accurate way about choosing and placing the right school for your child among hundreds of schools, as well as accommodation, which is one of the most needed issues, just fill out the form here.

If it is not possible to come physically, online English language programs can also be preferred, especially during the pandemic. For these, there are very good alternatives offered by the best language schools in England. Of course, if you have the opportunity, it is very different to come and have this experience.

If you aim for your child to study, work and live in England in the future, starting with summer camps or language schools will be very useful to get to know the schools, system, life and to add his/her participation here to his/her portfolio.

In the coming weeks, we will have posts, live broadcasts and zoom meetings that include different alternatives according to age groups. In addition to the students who want to come from Turkey to the UK for education, we will also be talking in detail about issues such as level determination, preparation for the exam, and school selection for Turkish children like Ayşe, who are currently living in the UK and preparing for the exams.

Our children are our most precious ones, we always want the best for them. In every collaboration I have made for more than 10 years, I have aimed to provide benefit for everyone I come in contact with and to touch the lives of mothers, babies and children. I am very happy to meet you here with the same goal, together with the valuable LondonbyJada team.

With love,
Zeynep Gözübüyük

Education Articles

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Advantages of Studying at University in England

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Studying at University in England

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